Hungary is the bridge between central and Eastern Europe, combining many of the attractions of both regions but also priding itself on having a distinctive identity. Although Hungary is not as firmly established as a top study abroad destination, it is committed to becoming a higher education hub. Universities in Hungary are welcoming a growing number of international students by increasingly offering a growing number of courses in English. If you’d like to study in Hungary, below are some of the top universities to select from.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Official Name: Budapesti Muszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
- Acronym: BME
- Founded: 1782
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-3,700 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Mûegyetem rakpart 3-9 Budapest 1111
- University Website:
University of Szeged
- Official Name: Szegedi Tudományegyetem
- Acronym: SZTE
- Founded: 1872
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-9,200 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Dugonics tér 13 Szeged 6720
- University Website:
Central European University
- Official Name: Közép-Európai Egyetem
- Acronym: CEU
- Founded: 1991
- Kind of institution: Private
- Degree programmes: Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-9,200 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Nador u. 9 Budapest 1111
- University Website:
University of Debrecen
- Official Name: Debreceni Egyetem
- Acronym: DE
- Founded: 1912
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-5,500 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: 98. Nagyerdei krt Debrecen 4032
- University Website:
University of Pécs
- Official Name: Pécsi Tudományegyetem
- Acronym: PTE
- Founded: 1367
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-7,400 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Szántó Kovács u. 1/b Pécs 7633
- University Website:
University of Miskolc
- Official Name: Miskolci Egyetem
- Acronym:
- Founded: 1949
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 0-750 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Egyetemvaros Miskolc 3515
- University Website:
Corvinus University of Budapest
- Official Name: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
- Acronym: CUB
- Founded: 1920
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Business & Social Sciences, Engineering
- Tuition Fee Range: 1,800-3,700 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: 8 Fovam ter Budapest 1093
- University Website:
Szent István University
- Official Name: Szent István Egyetem
- Acronym: SZIE
- Founded: 1950
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 750-1,800 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: Páter Károly u. 1 Gödöllö 2103
- University Website:
University of West Hungary
- Official Name: Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem
- Acronym: NYME
- Founded: 1808
- Kind of institution: Public
- Degree programmes: Bachelor's
- Fields of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Engineering, Science & Technology
- Tuition Fee Range: 0-750 EUR/Year
- Admission Office: See website
- University Website: