Would you like to study in the Netherlands?
Looking for a European study-abroad destination that’s more upbeat, pedestrian friendly and life loving? Why not study in Netherlands? The Netherlands gets its name from the fact that around a quarter of this small north western European nation lies below sea level. Beyond its traditional associations with windmills and clogs, it is one of the most developed and wealthy nations in the world, with a largely urban population (it is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe). In May 2011, the Netherlands was ranked as the “happiest” country according to results published by the OECD.
The Netherlands is the country of philosophers Erasmus of Rotterdam and Spinoza. The netherland boasts of many great achievements in the field of science and technology. The Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) discovered Saturn’s moon Titan, argued that light travelled as waves, invented the pendulum clock and was the first physicist to use mathematical formulae. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe and describe single-celled organisms with a microscope.
The Netherlands is also home to one of the world’s oldest and most highly respected systems of higher education, dating back to the 16th century. The 2012/13 QS World University Rankings include 13 Dutch universities – all within the world’s top 500, and an impressive 11 in the top 200.
Combine this quality with favorable tuition rates and plenty of English language courses (the Dutch are generally known for their fluency in English as a second language) and you can begin to see why nearly 45,000 international students were studying in the Netherlands in 2009.If you’re looking for a European study destination which offers you a little bit of everything then the Netherlands is worth considering.If you’ve decided to study in the Netherlands, we are ready to help you Get Started!
Universities in the Netherlands
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