Free tuition, or sometimes tuition free is a phrase you have heard probably a good number of times. In fact, you are reading this article because you want to know what this word really means and how you can benefit from it.
The phrase tuition free has been used to form sentences such as study abroad tuition free or study in Europe free tuition…and many others that you have come across. Now you ask,”What really is free tuition?”
To understand the phrase ‘Free Tuition’ you need to know the definition of tuition.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, Tuition is defined as: ‘a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university’
Therefore, Free tuition to put it simply is the opportunity provide to students by select universities around the world to received a degree from their institution without paying any sum of money for the teaching.
Some countries today have phased out the payment of tuition fees by their citizens at all stages of education up to the university level. One notable country in Germany who until 2014 used to charge tuition fees.
Norway is another country that has offered tuition free education to all its citizens for a very long time.
What about international students?
If you are a prospective international student who dreams of studying abroad either because university education is very expensive in your home country or because you want to earn a globally accepted degree from a world class university, do not panic. You are in luck!
Many countries such as the one mentioned above also offer tuition free university education to qualified international students. If you meet the criteria for admission and are accepted to a degree granting course, you may not need to pay any tuition.
However, you need to thoroughly make your research before you apply to any university or degree to make sure that it really is tuition free.
Although they offer free tuition, some universities may require that you pay a small administrative fee to support things such as the student union or to get a transport card. This fees are very small compared to a full tuition.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to know more about studying on free tuition or how to successfully apply for a scholarship, click on any of the article below for an interesting read.