After evaluating hundreds of questionnaire entries from many of you who want to study in Europe, we realized that most of you are not fully qualified to study in Europe.
We also discovered that many of you were missing almost the same item on the list of entry requirements. The most common was an English Test Score which is meant to prove your proficiency with the English language.
When we brought this to your attention, many of you kept asking us the same question: “What is an English Test Score?” and “How do I get one?”
After trying our best to answer all of you, we figured that it was not sufficient enough to just answer that one question.
We realized that there was need for a more comprehensive and personal approach to helping truly interested students get ready to study abroad.
To address this issue, we set up a service called the SEG Personal Advisor Service PAS.
SEG PAS is a service set up so you can speak directly with an admissions specialist who will give you advice on how you can get ready to study in Europe.
An advisor will work closely with you to help you obtain and organize the necessary documents required by the university based on your choice of study.
Choosing to speak to an advisor is a very important step in starting your journey to study in Europe.
How Much Does it Cost?
When we created SEG PAS, we wanted all serious students to have access to it so we made it free.
Then we realized that many of those who registered for an appointment where not seriously interested in studying. Thus, It was difficult to keep the quality of the service at its highest for the truly interested students.
To solve this problem and make it accessible to only the right people, we have set the fee for the SEG Personal Advisor Service at one Euro (€ 1). With this fee barrier set so low, those who are truly ready to study in Europe can easily afford to speak with an advisor who will help them with their application.
If you cannot afford the € 1 fee, it means you are not ready or financially qualified to study in Europe.
If you are able to pay this small fee and are ready to receive expert help to study in Europe, start today by booking a time to speak to your personal advisor here.
You can pick anytime in your timezone that is convenient for you.
We look forward to speaking with you and helping you start your application today!