International students have been flocking to Sweden to obtain a university degree for many years. Previously, most students chose the capital city of Stockholm or the second largest Gothenburg as their study destination but recently another city has been gaining attraction as a great place to study in Sweden, the city of Malmo. These are some of the reasons why Malmo is becoming a popular student destination.
1. Malmö University
Malmo university is one of Sweden’s largest universities with well over 24,000 students in a modern campus. Founded in 1998, Malmo university has grown to become an internationally recognised institute or higher education offering a wide range of programs in both Sweden and English.
At Malmö University you can choose from 7 bachelor’s degree and 15 master’s degree programmes, all taught in English. There’s a strong multidisciplinary approach with a focus on preparing students for an ever-changing labour market.
2. The City of Malmö
Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city has a progressive contemporary feel; home to the tallest building in Scandinavia, beautiful parks, edgy contemporary museums and a superb cuisine. It is also just a few minutes from Copenhagen the capital of Denmark; the Oresund bridge connects the two cities. It’s no surprise then that Malmo is also Sweden’s most multicultural metropolis where over 150 nationalities call this city home. You’ll find Middle Eastern street stalls, Kebab stands, Italian coffee culture and hipster skateboard parks. Students absolutely love this place.
3. International Student-Friendly
Everyone speaks English – Malmo along with the entire country of Sweden regularly ranks as one of the top countries in the world for non-native speakers of English. That means you don’t have to speak any Swedish to study here.
Public transport is widespread, and it works. Malmo’s extensive network of buses, trains, subways, trams, boats, planes and more can take you anywhere you want to go, car-free. So you don’t have to spend your student allowance on cabs.
International students can work. Though your studies are your number-one priority, there’s no legal limit to the amount of hours international students can work during their studies. Finding a job in the city of Malmo is also not a difficult task.
4. Top-Class Degree Recognised Around the World
Swedish higher education is one of the best in the world! Students eager to benefit from this long and famous university tradition choose to study in Malmo especially in the fields of Science, Healthcare and Technology.
5. Affordable Living Expenses
Sweden has a reputation for being expensive. But, according to previous students experiences, if you want to live on a budget and save money while food shopping, then it is possible in Malmö – you just have to look and ask around.
There are 2,000 student apartments peppered throughout the city, and both fee-paying and exchange students are generally guaranteed accommodation. So finding affordable accommodation wouldn’t be too much trouble.
There are many other reasons why students are choosing to study in Sweden but this 5 has been highlighted based on their importance. If you’d like to study in Malmo or want to check other options available, go to universities in Sweden to visit the university website for details on how to apply or contact us for assistance.