To qualify to study in Germany, it is obligatory that you meet certain entry requirements to gain admission into a university. In this article, the basic requirements that will be required by all universities for admission will we explained. Although each university in Germany might have slightly different requirement based on the course of study, the following requirements will be very helpful in preparing for your admission into a university in Germany.
Entry Qualification
To get admission into a university in Germany, you will need a “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” – This German term refers to a university entrance qualification. This is your school leaving certificate which qualifies you for university study.
English or German Language Proficiency
Many of the undergraduate programs are taught in German. Therefore, knowledge of the German language is a prerequisite for admission to study this courses. There are however some courses that are taught in the English language as well as majority of postgraduate programs. If you want to study in the English language, you will need to show proof of English language proficiency.
Aptitude Test
The “Test for Foreign Students (TestAS) is designed to realistically assess your chances of completing your degree programme successfully. You will need to take this test if you want to study in Germany. The test is comprised of three parts: the “onScreen” language test, the Core Test and “subject-specific test modules”’
Visa and Residence Permit
To study in Germany as an international student, you may need an entry visa for Germany depending on where you come from and how long your study program is going to last. You can find more information about the visa requirements by contacting the German Embassy/Consulate in your home country or check the list of countries that do not require visa here:
Proof of Financial Resources or Scholarships
It is required that you provide proof of enough funds to cover the cost of your education and to support yourself throughout your university program or at least the first year of your course. In many cases, applicants have to show that the have at around 6,000 Euros at their disposal for one year. If you have a sponsor or scholarship, you will need to provide documents to support this.
Health Insurance
It is mandatory that you have health insurance at the beginning of your university program that covers at least one year of study. You will need to present proof of health insurance when you enroll at the university and when applying for residence permit.