Would you like to study in Belgium?
Many reasons would make you want to study in Belgium these include but not limited to: world renowned universities, excellent opportunities for international networking, famously multicultural and multilingual cities, a host of regional cuisines and specialties, beautiful countryside, overall high quality of life, and, of course, those fantastic Belgian waffles.
Higher education in Belgium is organized by the country’s two main language communities: the Flemish Community and the French Community. German-speaking students typically attend a Belgian university in the French Community, or go to study in Germany. While French and Dutch are the standard languages of teaching, there are also many international programs taught in English.
There are various different types of higher education institution (HEI) in Belgium, including universities, university colleges (called hautes ecoles in the French Community), art colleges (called ecoles supérieures des arts and only offered in the French Community), institutes of architecture (only available in the French Community) and the academy of the Belgian Army. In both Communities, there are also registered HEIs which issue specialized degrees or provide education in a foreign language, and degree programs or entire institutes that are recognized by a foreign country rather than by the Flemish or French Communities.
As in most European countries, a bachelor’s degree usually takes three years to complete and a master’s degree one to two years. Bachelor’s degrees are categorized as either a ‘professional bachelor’ which has a vocational element, or an ‘academic bachelor’ which is more academic and prepares students to pursue a master’s degree. Having obtained a master’s degree, students can then pursue research projects leading to a doctorate degree. Bachelor and master’s degrees can be awarded by both colleges and universities in Belgium, while PhD’s are only awarded by universities.
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